June 25 SummaryBy Frank J. De Smidt
Last Monday - A big hearty thanks to Jennifer, Robin, Norm, Hon, Kinsey, Deanna, and everyone who helped make Bob's Debunking fun and such a success! MEETING REMINDERS....... Check out the Milpitas Chamber, the Tri-City Voice, and the Milpitas Post calendars for the latest on our Milpitas Rotary Club events.
June 18 SummaryBy Frank J. De Smidt
Last Monday Cal Fire Battalion Chief Nick Ciardella presented his detailed and informative program about last year's wildfires in Northern California near Santa Rosa. MEETING REMINDERS....... Check out the Milpitas Chamber, the Tri-City Voice, and the Milpitas Post calendars for the latest on our Milpitas Rotary Club events.
June 11 SummaryBy Frank J. De Smidt
Last Monday we were Dark at Dave & Buster's and had our delicious lunch at Outback Steakhouse as part of our fundraiser efforts. MEETING REMINDERS....... Check out the Milpitas Chamber, the Tri-City Voice, and the Milpitas Post calendars for the latest on our Milpitas Rotary Club events.
June 4 SummaryBy Frank J. De Smidt
Last Monday our speaker Chester Santos shared with us his helpful techniques for improving our memories. MEETING REMINDERS....... Check out the Milpitas Chamber, the Tri-City Voice, and the Milpitas Post calendars for the latest on our Milpitas Rotary Club events.